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Everyone has bad days at work, but there are signs that employees need to watch out for before a bad week at the office turns into never-ending, debilitating work stress that is ruining your health.
Too many Americans are trapped in toxic jobs, a problem employers and employees need to take more seriously. Jeffrey Pfeffer, an organizational behavior professor at Stanford who wrote the book Dying for a Paycheck, found through his research that poor management in U.S. companies accounted for up to 8 percent of annual health costs and was associated with 120,000 excess deaths every year.
Work can be stressful for anyone, even if you love your job. Still, there are times when the situation can become nearly unbearable. What do you do when work is simply miserable and you’re tired of working?
The key is figuring out the source of your work related unhappiness, finding some solutions, then creating a future where you’re happy with your career path. Keep reading for steps you can take towards a happier work life.